Monday, January 18, 2010

One short Friday and a tip about a tip.

Hope everyone had a great three day weekend!  An extra day of rest after a great night at the mountain is always a plus.  I thought the conditions were terrific Friday and it looked like everyone had a blast once again.  The highlight of my night came when Miss Roy (special thanks to Mr. Collins as well) and myself caught up with a handful of students and managed to get three or four runs in before the night ended.  Somehow last week while checking on lessons and the lodge, I never really got a run in with any students so finding them this week was cool.

Quick note about the tip for the bus driver: I was hoping everyone would pitch in a buck and we could hand the bus driver a $20-$25 tip for the long drive.  Yes, they do get paid but gratuity isn't included so I hope we can step this up a notch!  I'll be collecting on the way UP this week since I think the $8 tip I collected last week might have been partially due to the fact you were all half asleep.

Finally, about this Friday (22nd).  This is of course midterm exam week and everyone is out early due to the half days.  The time we leave on Friday really isn't changing - if anything we may be able to leave right at 2:00 and get a 15-20 minute jump start on the trip.  For those who would like to stay straight through, you can report to the tv studio at the close of school (11:00 I believe).  Feel free to bring a movie to watch, a book to read, or just fill up that iPod and stare at the ceiling.  The school does not want students roaming around the building so you'll have to stay put but there will be computer access as well so I'm sure you can stay entertained doing research on intelligence-enhancing articles.  For those who are leaving, try to get to the school a little before two so if the bus is early, we can get on board.

Until then, good luck to everyone on their midterms/finals!

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